Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life, Camera, Action!!

As a senior in High School I went with a few friends to see Grapes of Wrath in Warrensburg at what was then known as Central Missouri State University. Because we went for school to earn extra credit we were required to get our playbooks signed by a member of the cast and ended up backstage---I fell in love instantly!!! I had never been in a theater that size or to a show like that, let alone to go back stage and see the actors up close and see the sets! I was hooked!!!! I knew right away that I wanted to be a part of that! Throughout my two years at CMSU  I performed in a few different shows and I adored  being on stage! The rush and excitement was unlike anything else! 

*2005-Hanging out with some cast mates before opening night of Macbeth at CMSU

It has been almost exactly ten years since I have been on a stage but I still remember the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest before the curtains opened! ;-) Now you may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with anything, Lacey?" Well, my church, the FABULOUS First Baptist of Raytown, has an amazing Christmas Pageant every year that over 20,000 people come to over the span of about 8 shows. Last year I wanted to audition for it but Lilly was just days old and having a new born baby I knew I couldn't commit the time to it so this year, I auditioned. WOW talk about nerves! It has been so long since I have stood in front of other people (besides my husband) and read lines or sang aloud. I didn't get the songs until four days before the auditions and they are just a tad higher than I would like so it took some preparation to finally feel confident when I sang them. When I finally auditioned one song was amazing and one was....well....well it made you close one eye and tilt your head to the side ;-D LOL But, I was in luck. I got a call back--I had a second chance to nail the song!!! So I sang and I sang and I sang that song that I had botched at the first audition. I sang that song so much that my husband, Kyle can sing it word for word and I'm pretty sure Lilly, although she isn't really talking yet, will be able to sing it come December! 

As luck (and lots of practice)  would have it, I got the part I wanted!!!! I am beyond honored and excited to be a part of this amazing production this December and to help bring a little bit of extra love and joy to hundreds of peoples' holiday season this year!! I am also so happy that I get to stand beside a bunch of other amazing and talented people and spread God's word this Christmas! I have felt the Lord's presence in my life so much lately and am so thankful for the talents he has blessed me with and even more thankful that I get to use those talents for his good! =) 

If you are interested in coming to the pageant this year click on this LINK for more information!! 

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