Thursday, November 5, 2015

My New Identity: SAHM

Hello friends, family and strangers!! I hope everyone has been doing as well as life can treat them! =) If you are in or around Kansas City, a LOT has been going on----in case you didn't know, our amazing Kansas City Royals WON THE WORLD SERIES!! 

In true Royals fashion that means a lot of extra innings and late nights, but totally worth it!! The World Series parade was two days ago and an estimated 800,000 people attended--it was CRAZY! Lilly and I attempted to attend but after driving around downtown for an hour and half and realizing I would NEVER find my friends in the crowd- we came home--Lilly napped and I watched the parade on television. No, I didn't get any cool pictures with the sea of blue behind me and Lilly but I also didn't miss a second of raising my child---and THAT, my friends is what makes me happy now a days. 

I knew that I would love staying at home with Lilly but I also expected to have moments of weakness where I needed to walk away, take a breath and mumble under my breath how I wish I was back in my office (AKA. my little corner of an office.) Now I still expect those to happen as Lilly is developing new and worsening temper tantrums daily but so far it has been more fulfilling than I had ever imagined!!

Lilly and I are still in the midst of developing a routine that fits us best but each day is something new and fun! =) So far, the little munchkin wakes up anywhere between 6:45am-8:30am (goooooodbye 6:15am alarms to get her to daycare!) Each day I make sure and play classical music, read her a few books, play outside (if the weather permits), work on her sensory development and just plain ol' play and spend time together. I have also found a new love in making her delicious and healthy food! There is almost nothing more I love than seeing her use her sign language to tell me she is full and then lifting her out of her highchair and seeing her  big Buddha belly. ;-D I also love seeing her feed herself---though messy it always proves to be very entertaining!

In the past few weeks I have felt my relationship with Lilly deepen on a whole new level. Don't get me wrong I have always been connected with our daughter and love her very much, but after finding out that my husband and I were joyfully expecting-then finding out it was ectopic and we had to terminate the pregnancy for my safety I came home, cried and loved on Lilly like I never had. Kyle and I lost a pregnancy before Lilly so we have always felt so incredibly blessed to have her, but even more so after losing a another hopeful baby it was so amazing to come home and love on our healthy baby girl. God's timing is perfect and we just have to trust it---even through the hard stuff. The good news is that since all of that happened, my levels are back down to normal and after a few months of taking folic acid supplments we will be able to start trying again for baby #2-----which leaves me a few months to get in shape and become the healthiest me I can be to be an ideal baby maker! =))

So with that being said I am starting on Monday with a cleanse and new lifestyle. Yes, yes, most females I have cleansed, dieted, and made lifestyle changes hundreds of times but hey, what is one more time? It is better to try and fail then not try at all, right?! =) My sweet tooth and love for pop are going to be the hardest hurdles for me...but one day at a time!! 

Other updates in my life: I have started a 30 day #GratitudeAdventure on Instagram and Facebook so follow me on there to see what I am grateful for!! In the past years the 30 days of gratefulness always got on my nerves but this year I think it is great idea! 

Not only to help ME remember all of the reasons why I am grateful but to also let the people around me know that I am thankful for THEM! =) I also made some super cute footprint Halloween plates for the Grandma's with Lilly's footprints. (I will post a tutorial blog soon-so stay tuned!) 

For now, Kyle is out of town with the boys and I have a date with a box of wine, my pjs/comfy bed and my girly shows on DVR that he never likes to watch =) I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow followed by a relaxing weekend! 

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